Using the Business Model Canvas for Social and Community Entrepreneurship

Social and community entrepreneurship is a growing trend in the business world, with more and more companies focusing on creating positive social impact while also generating profits. This type of entrepreneurship goes beyond traditional business models, as it prioritizes the well-being of communities and society as a whole. One tool that has become increasingly popular in the context of social and community entrepreneurship is the Business Model Canvas. Developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, this visual framework helps entrepreneurs to map out their business model and identify key elements that are crucial for success.

What is the Business Model Canvas?

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that allows entrepreneurs to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot their business model. It consists of nine building blocks that represent the key areas of a business: customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure. Traditionally, the Business Model Canvas has been used by startups and established businesses to analyze and improve their existing business models.

However, it has also proven to be a valuable tool for social and community entrepreneurs who are looking to create sustainable businesses that have a positive impact on society.

How can the Business Model Canvas be used in the context of social and community entrepreneurship?

The Business Model Canvas can be used in various ways to support social and community entrepreneurship. Here are some examples:

1.Identifying key stakeholders

In social and community entrepreneurship, it is crucial to identify all stakeholders who will be affected by the business. The Business Model Canvas can help entrepreneurs to map out these stakeholders in the customer segments and key partnerships sections. This allows them to understand the needs and expectations of different stakeholders and design a business model that caters to their specific needs.

2.Defining the value proposition

In traditional business models, the value proposition is focused on creating value for customers.

However, in social and community entrepreneurship, the value proposition goes beyond customers and also includes creating value for society and the environment. The Business Model Canvas can help entrepreneurs to clearly define their value proposition and ensure that it aligns with their social and community goals.

3.Identifying revenue streams

Generating profits is essential for any business, including social and community enterprises. The Business Model Canvas can help entrepreneurs to identify different revenue streams that align with their social mission. For example, a social enterprise that aims to provide education to underprivileged children may have revenue streams from donations, grants, and partnerships with schools or businesses.

4.Mapping out key activities and resources

Social and community entrepreneurship often involves working with limited resources.

The Business Model Canvas can help entrepreneurs to identify key activities and resources that are crucial for their business model. This allows them to focus on what is essential and find creative ways to make the most out of their resources.

5.Building partnerships

In social and community entrepreneurship, partnerships are crucial for success. The Business Model Canvas can help entrepreneurs to identify potential partners and map out how these partnerships can contribute to their business model. This could include partnerships with NGOs, government agencies, or other businesses that share similar values.

The benefits of using the Business Model Canvas for social and community entrepreneurship

The Business Model Canvas offers several benefits for social and community entrepreneurs:

1.A holistic view of the business model

The Business Model Canvas allows entrepreneurs to see the big picture of their business model and how all the different elements are interconnected.

This helps them to identify any gaps or areas that need improvement.

2.Flexibility and adaptability

The Business Model Canvas is a dynamic tool that can be easily adapted and changed as the business evolves. This is especially important for social and community entrepreneurs who may need to pivot their business model to better align with their social mission.

3.A visual representation

The visual nature of the Business Model Canvas makes it easy to understand and communicate the business model to stakeholders, including investors, partners, and customers.

4.A focus on sustainability

The Business Model Canvas encourages entrepreneurs to consider the long-term sustainability of their business, both financially and socially. This is crucial for social and community enterprises that aim to create lasting positive impact.


The Business Model Canvas is a valuable tool for social and community entrepreneurs who are looking to create sustainable businesses that have a positive impact on society. By using this framework, entrepreneurs can identify key elements of their business model and ensure that they are aligned with their social mission.

The flexibility and adaptability of the Business Model Canvas make it a perfect fit for the ever-changing landscape of social and community entrepreneurship.

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